Thursday, May 13, 2010

Brain Power Boost your child's

Brain is an amazing control center

The human brain has about 100 billion brain cells (neurons). Brain is a control center but surprisingly little of the thought processes, emotions, memory, learning and other body functions. In the first part of life in which there is intensive learning experiences your child's brain turning massive end, processes.However often overlook the fact that the brain is "fed" with nutrients, so they work well.


The brain is made of more than 60% from fat. The cellular structure of the brain needs a lot of protein. brain chemicals that regulate learning, perception, mood and behavior of amino acids, vitamins and minerals such as iron and B6. Therefore, the child's diet plays a crucial role, as well as his brain functions.

Nuts, seeds and avocado

Fats are the raw material for the brain. Your child's brain needs good fats that are not encrusted french fries, fried chicken wingsDonuts, chocolate and crisps. DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, has the greatest effect on brain fatty acid composition. DHA is often found in fish oil. Other sources of beneficial fats are nuts. (For example, almond, macadamia) seed (egsesame, sunflower seeds) and avocado.

Fish, beans, nuts, seeds and lean meat

Proteins are building blocks for chemicals in the brain. Amino acids, proteins are produced, will be used for the production of substances such as adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin. This brainChemicals affect the concentration of the child and moods. Protein can be obtained from fish, lean meat, poultry, beans, nuts and seeds.


Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the brain. Steer clear of highly refined carbohydrates, which often interfere with the child's blood sugar and causes drowsiness. Notice how it comes down to concentration of the child after eating white flour products like white bread, cakes, biscuits, cakes or other foods high in sugar?

Even the white rice,Pasta or noodles can affect concentration. Good sources of carbohydrates are whole grains such as millet and brown rice, buckwheat, oars, and others like pumpkin and sweet potatoes.

Fruit and Vegetables

Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals to transform the blocks into useful material for the brain. Some of the important brain vitamin C, vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid.

link fault brain functions were slower. Minerals such as calcium,Magnesium, zinc and iron are important. Deficiencies can lead to a reduced concentration and poor memory. These vitamins and minerals found in fresh vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains. Therefore, the child's diet includes a wide range of natural foods fresh and healthy.

Practical advice

Eating in the morning. Breakfast provides your child with energy and nutrients for the morning, when learning happens at school.

Make sure your child drinks enoughWater. A mind is clouded mind dehydrated.

Limit sweet foods, this is a long way to good health.

Discuss with your child and share information on healthy food choices and nutrition. Persuade rather than force him to eat healthy foods.

Leading by example healthy diet.

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