Monday, September 6, 2010

Antibiotics - good or bad? When to take when Chorus and what we have encountered!

Chances are you had one of those bad winter or spring colds are quite high. These are the colds that seem to drag on over time to infect the upper respiratory tract. We feel terrible, low energy and often the last resort, we are fully into the room of other people coughing and spluttering wait to see the doctor. Unfortunately, the usual reaction of the doctor put on a course of antibiotics.

Do not misunderstand. I'm not against the use of appropriateAntibiotics. They have the potential life-saver if used correctly, but are not a panacea. Antibiotics are often used to control infections caused by bacteria, as is tuberculosis, salmonella causes, and some forms of meningitis. However, they do not work against other organisms such as viruses and fungi. It 'important to note when you have some type of infection because viruses usually cause many common diseases, in particular, does the upper respiratory tractintestinal tract, such as colds and sore throats.

A virus is a microscopic organism that lives as a parasite of plants, animals and bacteria and consists of a core of nucleic acid-protein in a sheath. Most people, colds, runny nose, cough, muscle aches have disadvantages, sore throat and fever, also have a virus. Viruses usually cause 7-14 days for symptoms of the disease and can counter drugs like decongestants, herbal formulas will be cold treated and disadvantages cough medicine. Antibioticsnot against viruses work only against bacteria.

Bacteria are single celled organisms, parasites often without distinct nuclei or organized cell structure. There are good and bad bacteria. Many species of bacteria cause disease harmless and live in and around the human body. Bad bacteria cause serious diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis, blood poisoning and dysentery.
These diseases can be fatal and can best be treated with antibiotics. Ifthese bacteria become resistant, it is very difficult or impossible to treat. Excessive use of antibiotics, bacteria can become resistant, it is important to keep active only when absolutely necessary.

How antibiotics?

The first antibiotic, penicillin, with a family of antibiotics (such as ampicillin, penicillin and amoxicllin) is still widely used to treat common infections. Our health, a strong immune system,Antibodies and their special white blood cells to kill harmful bacteria usually before they multiply enough to cause symptoms. And even when symptoms occur, the body can often fight the infection. Sometimes, when the immune system is not strong, will be overwhelmed by a bacterial infection and need help to get rid of him. Here are some antibiotics such as penicillin, antibiotics are 'bactericidal' means something, which work by killing bacteria. MakeInterference with the formation of cell walls or cell contents of bacteria. Other antibiotics are bacteriostatic, which work by preventing the bacteria multiply means.

Unfortunately, antibiotics do not have to distinguish between our good bacteria, especially in the intestine and destroy all! This interference with the destruction of the "gut flora" can have very serious consequences. These bacteria perform critical operations, strengthen our immune system to aid digestion,allergy against the elimination of harmful toxins. These friendly bacteria include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidus and bulgaricus, additions found in the refrigerated display any health food store. They protect us against pathogens such as Salmonella, yeast, cholera and the bad E. coli. Once gone, these friendly bacteria are replaced by hostile bacteria such as Pseudomonas, Clostridium, Klebsiella and Candida yeast and a member of the powerfulFamily of fungi.

Side effects of antibiotics

The most common side effects of antibiotics include diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Fungal infections in the mouth, stomach and intestines and vagina can also occur with antibiotics because they help protect "good" bacteria in the body (to prevent the spread of the body to destroy) and "bad" deals with the person responsible for infection.

Rare but serious side effects, including the formation ofKidney stones, abnormal bleeding, increased sensitivity to the sun, blood disorders, and deafness.

Sometimes, especially in the elderly, antibiotic treatment may be a form of colitis (inflammation) which causes severe diarrhea. Penicillin, erythromycin and cephalosporins can cause this problem, but is most common with clindamycin, an antibiotic usually reserved for severe infections. If you have diarrhea while taking an antibiotic, immediately contact yourDoctor.

Some people are allergic to antibiotics, including penicillin and can develop side effects such as rashes, swelling of the face and tongue and difficulty breathing. Always tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic, sometimes severe reactions, even death. This is called an anaphylactic reaction. Do you need an antibiotic with caution if you have reduced liver or kidney disease. Obviously, if you are pregnantor breast-feeding with your doctor before taking prescription medications, including antibiotics.

How to use an antibiotic when you take

Antibiotics are usually taken orally but is administered by injection to the body concerned. The drugs begin to tackle most infections within hours. It 'important to keep the entire course of therapy to prevent recurrence of infections. Sometimes the bacteria "tolerant to the antibiotic you took,Sense of drugs no longer work. Resistance occur earlier if the bacterial infection is responsible for these symptoms is not completely healed, although the symptoms have cleared. Some of the bacteria remaining after the suspension, but not killed by antibiotics, but an infection, antibiotics may develop some survive. This explains why the end of the course of antibiotics, even if you feel better is important.

Certain antibiotics should nottaken with certain foods and beverages. Some antibiotics are best realized in the absence of food in the stomach, about an hour before meals or two hours after - make sure you follow the instructions on the label distribution. Do not drink alcohol if metronidazole. Do not take tetracyclines with dairy products because they can accommodate this type of antibiotics reduced.

There are a number of important interactions between antibiotics and other drugs, it is importantTell your doctor or pharmacist about all medicines you take.

Beneficial bacteria RESTORATION

If you have reason to follow a course of antibiotics groped to strengthen the natural immune system and follow the restoration plan:

- Stay away from sugar or artificial sweeteners. Use Stevia or Lo Han instead.

- No mushrooms or cheese. No food, such as yeast breads, sandwiches and beer.

- Avoid fruits and fruit juices (except apple pie).

- Cutdown to cereals. After two weeks of introduction of gluten-free whole grain, as Auinoa, maize or millet.

- Do not drink coffee, tea, herbal tea, or coffee substitutes, as is often harbor mold.

- Avoid the supermarket salad dressings, vinegar, soy or Worcestershire sauce and horseradish.

- Drinking tea paud'arco antifungals as angelica, bergamot, hyssop, chamomile and alfalfa.

- Eat sugar-free yogurt or kefir, that Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidus containbulgaricus.

- Use olive oil in cooking as a condiment for salads and vegetables.

- Drink organic green vegetable juices.

- Use raw almond butter.

- Cook with garlic. It contains allicin, a chemical natural anti-fungal.

- Taking grape seed oil in water, that last night.

- Take a supplement with antioxidant vitamins E, A, C, and (among others) of zinc and selenium

For this project, the emotional support must be maintained for at least 4-6Weeks, but before a food program on you with your doctor. If you're flat, you can try food you have a section at a time to eat, to see how you feel. If gas or bloating take food for several weeks. Under the plan, the recommended amount of time, help the immune system and help you stay healthy.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Doves and pigeons - problems with investors

Frequently comes from our customers for great flocks of pigeons and doves, who are simply missing and the seeds can be made your table Bird asked. These birds are fed a much larger than most birds and tend to travel in large numbers of investors. We often have flocks of mourning doves in our station 80 during the winter. These birds do not peel or crack seeds like most other birds. They eat together andable to consume large quantities quickly. Their size, their diet can be combined certainly not the pigeons and doves have a big problem for investors.

Like a big problem because they are, there are ways to avoid feeding large flocks of pigeons and doves. These birds tend to love some seeds, such as white millet, oats, millet and cracked corn. The use of seed mixtures and small amounts or none of these seeds helps to deter them.How to feed the pigeons breeding ground or on platform feeders or bird bowl. Place the seeds in a mixture of bird feeding tube-type short (less than 2 inches) perches to discourage large numbers of these birds to eat all your food. Depending on the species of birds are attracted to the feeding station, specializes in the distribution of specialty food products including food aid. Many finches (Finch, Pine Siskin, Redpoll, House Finches, Purple Finches, etc.) areattracted to the Thistle or Nyjer seed bird feeders. In most cases, these deviations are small birds with perches and depends only on the sides of the feeder to eat. The feet of pigeons and racing pigeons are not made for this type of perches and most are long struggle to keep enough to eat. There are also special feeders for sunflower seeds and peanuts are available. the needs of the birds were hung in place of doves and pigeons. We also offer peanut butter,Grape jelly and fruit for more than 40 species in a recycled bird feeder oriole and I've never seen a pigeon or dove to her. If you hang your suet feeder from a branch or wire and use a queue to feed proposed by tallow, there will also prevent birds how They struggle to take root charger. Every food has its own group of more desirable birds backyard and every limitation of the availability of food for large flocks of pigeons and doves.

In ourpower plants that we love our quail. Unfortunately, eating habits such as quail and pigeons in this way there is food. The pigeons seem a necessary evil to be with us. If you do not want to feed large flocks of pigeons and doves can be done to improve the above ideas for your backyard bird feeding.