Also known as: Mourning Dove, Western Mourning dove American Dove, Dove rain, Caroline Pigeon, Carolina Turtledove
The mourning dove is one, upland game birds and members of the Colombo family. This is one of the most abundant and widely distributed birds in North America and the United States under one of the leaders of the game. Pigeons live in a variety of habitats and are considered fertile for that help the species was so highNumbers. Can be used in open spaces and semi, meadows, pastures and forests are poor. The pigeons are not usually inhabit areas with dense forest or wetland, and are well suited to human occupation.
Mourning Doves feed almost exclusively on seeds, which accounts for over ninety-nine percent of its diet. They prefer corn, sunflower, safflower and millet, but it also feeds on a variety of other seeds, including chewing sweet, pokeweed, amaranth,Canary grass, wheat and sesame. The pigeons are opportunistic investors and looking for food on the bare ground. Often swallow pieces of gravel and sand in order to digest while resting. Once a particular area of supply is exhausted, in search of new feeding grounds and plentiful. Mourning Doves are diurnal, often feeding in the morning and afternoon of the day, but still collect water during the evening. Furthermore, pigeons and migratory birds often travel in herdslow height.
Breeding occurs from February to October, depending on geographic location, together with pigeon remains monogamous. While the courtiers fly, the second woman to win the attention and landing strut with head movements, his chest swells, and strong demand. Once the mourning doves have chosen a partner, women begin to build the nest, while males to gather materials. A complete cycle takes about 30 boxes of dates with women in generalproduce two children. Females may nest only five or six times during a breeding season.
Overall length: 9-13 cm
Wingspan: 15-18 cm
Weight: 3.6 oz
Mourning doves are birds of medium size and are usually gray-brown. They have small black bill, slender body, broad elliptical wings and a round head. Doves have black spots on the wings and a black spot under and behind the eyes. They also have longconical tail with white tips, dull red legs and dark eyes.
Southern Canada, United States, Mexico and the Greater Antilles