Friday, January 7, 2011

The benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle

Today, many people opt for a vegetarian lifestyle. There are many benefits of eating more vegetables and less meat. One of the main advantages of vegetarianism is a healthier life and have more energy. Moreover, it is better for the environment. And the last fires of all, it saves a lot of animals in an inhumane way.

Because vegetarians do not eat animal flesh, and generally have fewer health problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol,Stroke and heart disease. This is because the fat in meat contains saturated to block the arteries. other illnesses associated with meat-type II diabetes and obesity. meat products sometimes contain hormones, antibiotics and other substances. On the other hand containing fruit, vegetables and whole grains, vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients that your body will benefit in the long run.

This is a great book by T. Colin Campbell, called "The China Study: mostextensive study ever conducted on diet and startling implications for diet, weight loss and long-term health. "The author was one of the scientists who conducted the study on nutrition and more intense. More than 80,000 people studied, researchers and animal products have certainly been a major cause of cancer, stroke, diabetes and more open .

Another good book, focuses "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser, the meat processing industry in the United States. E 'goes into detail about how hygienic slaughterhouses are really like animals, abused, and how the industry is trying to hide the truth from consumers. Save The transition to a vegetarian diet would be many animals in a cruel and would also help protect against bacteria, enters the flesh, as E. coli.

Besides being good for your health, follow a vegetarian diet is also beneficial for the country and the environment. The meat industry is in manyDeforestation, water pollution, air pollution and habitat destruction. Thousands of hectares of Amazon rainforest are destroyed every day to make way for cattle farms. Do not buy products meat can lead to a slowing of the destruction of our planet.

If you want to try a vegetarian diet, you can improve your health, protect the environment and the prevention of cruelty to animals. You can make your journey to vegetarianism to eat one or two vegetarian meals each week to start. As you beginYou can find recipes like, you can still reduce the amount of meat in the diet. Do you need other sources of proteins, which are important for your health, you have to find other sources. Some good sources of protein are nuts, seeds, legumes, tofu and tempeh. There is only one way to find out if this lifestyle is not for you, or for yourself! There are many health benefits, it is more convenient if you do not buy meat, and you can help save the animals and the earth!

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