Sunday, March 21, 2010

Millet rifle scopes - Using food as medicine (12) Other cereals

The consumption of cereals is recorded in ancient civilizations through thousands of years. How many of these gifts of nature that are industrialized societies are sometimes affected the intrinsic power of these food processing rather than commercial reasons. It is beyond the scope of this article, to give detailed examples, but if the taste processed with added sugars and a variety of additives and presentations are available, a virtual gold mine of the Food and DrugBenefits largely lost. Think of white bread and cereals made of rice.

The following list of cereals, would be a valuable complement to the diet of most health-conscious people. Buckwheat, rye, millet, barley, oats and wheat are some of the grains more accessible. Rice was quoted in a separate article, and remains my favorite, because it is the availability and overall performance nutrition. Apart from the grain that make you choose, make sure you have the comparative researchBenefits, since they are obviously different. For example, rice contains more carbohydrate of oats, protein, but also much less. The content of minerals, but are more or less similar.

An obvious caution when eating some wheat, is for those who have an intolerance to gluten. This is another reason why you should always seek the advice of a healthcare provider if you change your diet. Vegetarians experts do not know, relying on corn alone, but their integration with compensationGroups of vegetables and other foodstuffs.

A general list of benefits from various members of the family of wheat is as follows:

- Can cholesterol
- Good source of fiber
- Some have anti-carcinogenic qualities
- Abolition of quality appetite

If I use one of the cereals mentioned above, here is my preparation will be like me with rice. What would be cooked at low salt and spices in water and usually served with vegetables. And 'interesting to note that thereis a detoxification diet to rice, but the preparation is too simple for the most part. What will be discussed in a future series.

For more information on nutrition, the best cure, and general health information, please visit the websites mentioned below.

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